Phase I Environmental Liability Audit
Phase I Environmental Liability Audit Photo 1
Phase I Environmental Liability Audit Photo 2
Phase I Environmental Liability Audit Photo 3
Phase I Environmental Liability Audit Photo 4

Phase I Environmental Liability Audit

International Bank

GEG were commissioned by an International Bank Phase I Environmental Liability Land Audit incorporating a detailed site walkover survey was undertaken to determine potential environmental liabilities which may offset the value of the land asset for the fundholder.

An experienced environmental consultant from GEG inspected the site for visible evidence sources of contamination including potentially polluting activities, fuel tanks, waste material storage and electricity sub stations etc. In addition, potential receptors both on site and in the general vicinity were observed, such as a nearby canal and residential properties.

The report included research into historical potentially contaminative site uses; details of the site geology, hydrogeology and hydrology to determine site sensitivity and flood risk; incorporation of an environmental database search of the site to determine whether any issues such as pollution incidents have impacted the site; and a final environmental risk assessment and conceptual model to determine the potential contamination risks to existing users, the fabric of the building, groundwater resources (such as a major aquifer) and adjacent land/properties.

GEG concluded that the site was of low environmental risk with no remedial works required if the current usage is sustained and hard standing across the site is kept in good condition