Geo Environmental Group (GEG) were commissioned to undertake an environmental due dilligence liability assessment of a former gas-fired power station in Yorkshire. It was proposed to construct a modern electricity generating facility to provide 'top up' electricity to the national grid in times of peak demand.
The site, which was originally agricultural land, had two deep gas wells utilised to draw the gas from natural sources in the underlying strata. Also present were various concrete slabs which housed the former gas generators, a bunded drum storage area and above ground oil tanks.
GEG Ltd undertook a detailed walkover and Phase I geo-environmental report in accordance with statutory guidance CLR11 (Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination). An initial conceptual site model was developed and various potential pollutant linkages identified. These were investigated by undertaking a Phase II intrusive investigation which incorporated chemical analysis of soils and waters. A quantitative risk assessment was undertaken for the ultimate return of the site to an agricultural use at the end of the tenancy which determined that there were no significant risks to humans or controlled waters.