GEG where commissioned by Hill & Smith Holdings plc to undertake a combined Phase I desk study and Phase II intrusive investigation of an engineering works to determine potential environmental risks and EPA 1990 Part 2A liability issues for a proposed change from an industrial to a residential end use.
The site walkover, undertaken as part of the Phase I, identified potential sources of contamination including process chemicals (such as solvents and isocyanates), above ground diesel storage tanks and waste products.
The Phase I desk study which included a detailed assessment of historic maps and other information including trade directories, geological and hydrogeological information, also determined that the site was partially within the Environment Agency’s extreme flood risk zone.
Receptors identified included the adjacent river and canal, underlying minor aquifer and future residential end users.
A partially targeted Phase II intrusive investigation followed consisting of dynamic sampling boreholes with associated chemical sampling and analysis of soils and groundwater and in-situ/ex-situ geotechnical testing. The generic quantitative risk assessment undertaken using CLEA SGVs and in house CLEA derived assessment criteria, identified arsenic, lead, nickel and various Volatile Organic Compounds and Semi Volatile Organic Compounds including 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene and bis(2-ethylhexl)phthalate as potential contaminants of concern. Arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, nickel and PAH in the groundwater were also identified by the controlled waters risk assessment as potential risks to the river and minor aquifer.
Recommendations were provided for remedial works and foundation requirements. Budget remediation costings were also determined to assist with the valuation process